
Welcome, fellow pilgrim, pathfinder, and pioneer. This is how many describe themselves when they arrive at The Third Eve.

Wayfarers cross paths here for different reasons. Some have suffered significant changes or loss in their lives that threw them off course, plunging them into unfamiliar territory. Others want more out of life. They are alive and well, but want to feel more fully alive. They are awake, and in search of meaning.

Have you ever asked yourself how your life might change if you were more consistently mindful of your time-limited opportunity to be awestruck? Are you interested in finding contentment from just where you are? Do you seek a better understanding of your own dear Self, whose voice you’ve known from time before time?

If so, you’re in the right place.

Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and shared experience.


Essays are the heart and soul of The Third Eve. Hundreds of posts, essays and articles written over the course of 15 years provide a roadmap of depth psychology and self-discovery.

I stand on the shoulders of giants to offer readers enhanced
self-awareness, to open the dialogue that underlies insight and healing, and to invite deeper appreciations of the arts, the sciences, and the natural world.

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“The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in a life is the relationship to the Self. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one
you will never lose.”

jo coudert, advice from a failure

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